"When you forgive your imperfections,
And you’ve auctioned all your clothes,
And you look to see your true reflection,
You will be the one who loves you the most ..."
Brett Dennen -“The One Who Loves You The Most”
In life in order to love others one has to first figure out who they truly are first. And trust me, I know that finding oneself can be quite the daunting task. This can be especially difficult with all of the modern societal distractions that are posed to young people today, such as the modern forms of gossiping and social networking; not to even mention the struggle for greed and other monetary items. One of the toughest things a young person faces is unmasking all of these fake and unimportant covers that society tries to tell us are important, and realize that the most important things in life are loving one another, and not in the romantic sense, but more along the lines of caring for each other and supporting others when they are hurt and wounded. I believe the songwriter, Brett Dennen, is trying to uncover a sense of true being, and loving people for their “true reflection” and who they are at their core. And I honestly believe that this true reflection he speaks of is in every one of us! I know that may sound corny, but it is the honest truth, we were meant to be God’s keepers on Earth, and try to live life to the fullest, most honest sense. And in order to achieve this goal, we all have to “forgive (our) imperfections” because we are not perfect and never will be, but we should forgive our own flaws and accept them for what they are. Because if I’m only worried about myself how can I possibly care for and love another person? I believe that when people look beyond the material hazards that life continues to present us, we will be able to see the beauty in every one of us, and “unmask the world around us” through loving and cherishing one another.