
The On Mystics, Monastics, and Meaning class enthusiastically welcomes you to our class blog. Each week, students share their reflections along with their own unique selected images, music, quotes, and/or prayers. These weekly reflections are our gathered contributions, our gift to strengthen and inspire our school community.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


As the beloved French folk say, "Adieu," which translates "I commend you to God!" And, you are dear class of 2011, set off to go on your pilgrimage, wherever that journey takes you and whoever that life begs you to become, not alone and with God.

Our hearts and prayers go with you as you venture out and become! Remember always who you are, sons and daughters of a loving and living Creator who hopes, in every moment, on your ever becoming real grown - ups, lovers and caretakers of God's creation, transformers of this world.

Your presence is already missed. Evenso, we await your myriad returnings in life story and song, tales told and songs sung of Innocents' claiming a world that is filled with light, born of justice, and ever proclaiming of peace.

"I don’t want to have lived in vain, like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to people, even those I have never met. I want to go on living, even after my death. And that’s why I am grateful to God for having given me this gift which I can use to develop and
express all that’s inside me
*Anna Frank