
The On Mystics, Monastics, and Meaning class enthusiastically welcomes you to our class blog. Each week, students share their reflections along with their own unique selected images, music, quotes, and/or prayers. These weekly reflections are our gathered contributions, our gift to strengthen and inspire our school community.

Monday, February 14, 2011

On Meaning, assignment due Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Henri Nouwen and one of his many friends at L'Arche.

Read through page 83 of Henri Nouwen's Life of the Beloved and be prepared to discuss the following:

On Being the Beloved

1. Nouwen states on page 30 that “ ‘You are my Beloved’ [reveals] the most intimate truth about all human beings.” What truth does it reveal?

2. According to Nouwen, what is “friendship … all about?”

3. Let’s consider Nouwen’s statements about self rejection and arrogance that begin on page 31. In your understanding, do these statements ring true?

4. On pages 36 -37, Nouwen makes a long list of statements about all of God’s human creation. From where did these statements originate?

On Becoming the Beloved: “Taken”

1. On page 45 Nouwen writes “ … the spiritual life is not simply a way of being, but also a way of becoming, what then is the nature of this

becoming?” Help explain.

2. In the section entitled Becoming the Beloved, Nouwen begins to use liturgical images to illustrate the life of the Beloved. How?

3. In Nouwen’s discussion of being “Taken” or “Chosen,” describe the three disciplines he believes help us to live fully into the life of the beloved.

On Becoming the Beloved: “Blessed”

1. On page 68, Nouwen teaches us about the word “blessing.” What does the word mean?

2. What are Henri’s two suggestions for claiming your blessedness?


Take a moment to consider a time or place wherein you felt chosen. Please illustrate. Then, consider a time or place wherein you felt a sense that many, with you, were chosen, how did both these instances make you feel/ or in what ways did they make you think?